Sandra Bondhus has graciously allowed the QCI website to print the marks pages from her book. Click on thumbnail to view larger. We hope to expand the content with marks from other factories. If you are an author who is willing to share please contact

There is a large selection of books available for Quimper and French faience collectors. Some of our members are authors/collectors/dealers and have been noted. Please contact them directly to purchase (go to links page). A special thanks to Brittany Byways for letting us use their list.
CA A French Faïence Breakthrough (Author, Collector, Dealer – Millicent Mali)
Catalogue Exposition Méheut
Catalogue Mes Plus Beaux Quimper
Catalogue Odetta
Catalogue Savigny
Collecting Quimper (Author, Collector, Dealer – Joan Datesman)
CRESTON Suzanne et René-Yves Creston
Des Boulongne A Géo Martel Deux Siècles de Carreaux (1806-2003) (Collector, Author – Rita Martel)
Encyclopédie des Céramiques de Quimper – Tome I
Encyclopédie des Céramiques de Quimper – Tome II
Encyclopédie des Céramiques de Quimper – Tome III
Encyclopédie des Céramiques de Quimper – Tome IV, les artistes
Encyclopédie des Céramiques de Quimper – Tome V, les artistes
et Quimper entra dans le monde des artistes
FRENCH FAÏENCE Fantaisie et Populaire of the 19th & 20th Centuri (Author, Collector, Dealer – Millicent Mali)
HB QUIMPER : Le livre des 5000 (Collector, Retailer – Judy Datesman)
La Céramique Artistique de Quimper
La Faïence de Malicorne
Léon POUPLARD (PBx) faïencier à Malicorne
Les Faïences de Quimper, les Artistes, et la Mer
Louis Henri Nicot, Sculpteur Breton
Mémoires d’un faïencier quimpérois
Paul Fouillen: 1899-1999
Popular Quimper (Author, Collector, Dealer – Ann Marie O’Neill)
Quimper 3 Siècles de Faïence
Quimper Pottery (Author, Collector, Dealer – Ann Marie O’Neill)
Quimper Pottery: A French Folk Art Faience (Author, Collector, Dealer – Sandra Bondhus)
Quimper Pottery: A Guide to Origins, Styles, and Values (Author, Collector, Dealer – Adela Meadows)
Quimper Pottery: A Century of Postcards (Author Philippe Lalys)
Robert Micheau-Vernez, Tradition et modernité
Terres Sacrées (Collector, Author – Antoine Maigné)
Une visite aux faïenceries
Please note: If we have left out a book that you would recommend, please contact us and we would be happy to add it.